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Minkowskian Geometry

The Minkowski geometry was proposed in the first decade of the 20th century by Minkowski, based partially on work done by Einstein around special relativity.

In many ways the Minkowski geometry is similar to Euclidean geometry. While Euclidean geometry is based upon a view on symmetry that makes the circle the most symmetrical figure, in Minkowskian geometry the rectangular hyperbola is considered the most symmetrical figure. This necessitates a slightly different concept of right angles.

From here you can download:

Minkowski Overview

A set of supplementary notes giving a gentle mathematical introduction to Minkowskian geometry and motivation for studying "elementary" Minkowskian geometry.

Minkowski Toolkit

A sketch with the custom tools needed to construct figures in Minkowskian geometry, and the set of instructions for using the toolkit.

Minkowski Workshop

Notes for presenting a two-part Sketchpad workshop using the Minkowski tools.