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The Geometer's Sketchpad Workshop Guide

This booklet is designed as a handout for a workshop with The Geometer's Sketchpad or for use in evaluating the program for possible purchase.


Tour 1: Constructing a Square2
Tour 2: A Theorem About Quadrilaterals5
Tour 3: Algebra Potpourri8
Tour 4: Investigating Triangle Centers11
Tour 5: Introducing Transformations14
Tour 6: A Sine Wave Tracer17
Tour 7: Investigating Rhombus Constructions20
What Else Can This Thing Do?22
Sample Activities23
  Properties of Reflection24
  The Euler Segment26
  Adding Integers28
  Points "Lining Up" in the Plane31
  Leonardo da Vinci's Proof34
  The Folded Circle Construction36
  Distances in an Equilateral Triangle40
  Varignon Area43
  Going Off on a Tangent46
  Accumulating Area49

Download the Workshop Guide.

To view and print the Workshop Guide, you will need Adobe Reader, which is available as a free download from Adobe.